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Supercharge Your ICP Pipeline with Highly-Personalized Engagement

Growth Lead

What’s in it

By implementing this playbook, you can expect:

  • Engagement through the roof
  • Replies and demos coming out of your ears
  • A pipeline so healthy, it'll make your competitors weep
  • Efficiency that'll make you wonder what you did with all that free time

The Context

Let's face it, B2B sales with high ACVs and complex cycles can be a beast. You're probably dealing with:

  • Crickets in response to your outreach: Generic messaging isn’t cutting it with key decision-makers.
  • The "Who's actually ready to buy?" guessing game: It’s tough to differentiate between curious browsers and serious buyers without clear data.
  • The personalization paradox: How to make it unique when you're reaching out to hundreds?

But don't sweat it. We've got a process that'll turn those challenges into distant memories. Follow this process, and you’ll improve your targeting, personalize your outreach, and engage more effectively with high-value accounts.

The Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Identifying Highly Engaged Accounts (or Spot the Hot Accounts)

First things first, let's find those accounts that are most likely to convert and that are practically begging for your attention. We're talking:

  • Stalking your website (in a good way)
  • Engaging with your outbound campaigns
  • Clicking those ads like there's no tomorrow

Once these engaged accounts are identified, create specific segments based on criteria such as engagement levels, interaction types, and intent signals. Segmentation allows for more precise targeting, ensuring that your outreach efforts are focused on the accounts most likely to yield results.

(Here is an example of audiences created filtered on accounts in CRM with an active buying committee and engagement on specific web pages)

After segmenting, integrate this data back into your CRM by tagging these accounts or adding them to dynamic lists within your account objects. This integration ensures that both your sales and marketing teams have up-to-date insights, setting the stage for effective, personalized outreach.

(This is an example of an account in Hubspot with engagement metrics like number of sessions, visitors, active time and the last activity on our assets.)

Step 2: Generating and Distributing Personalized Assets (or Personalization Station)

Now that you know who's hot for your product, it's time to woo them with content that makes them feel like they are special (and they are). We're not talking "Dear {FirstName}" level stuff here. We mean:

  • Custom ads that speak their language
  • Landing pages that address their specific pain points
  • Email banners that catch their eye and refuse to let go

And the best part? We'll show you how to do this at scale without losing your sanity.

With your segmented accounts identified, the next step is to create tailored content that speaks directly to each account's needs. Personalization is key here—using CRM data to inform your content while ensuring that it remains relevant to the prospect's current situation and needs.

This process involves efficiently producing personalized assets such as custom ads, landing pages, and email banners. The goal is to streamline personalization at scale, reducing the friction typically associated with asset generation.

This approach allows your team to focus on maximizing the relevance of each piece of content. By applying the Pareto principle, your team can dedicate 20% of their time to creating 80% of the value, ensuring the assets resonate strongly with the target audience.

Once created, these personalized assets can be distributed across all relevant channels, ensuring consistent and targeted messaging, whether through inbound or outbound efforts.

Step 3: Capturing and Acting on Engagement (or Strike While the Iron is Hot)

As your personalized assets reach your target accounts, the next critical step is to capture and act on their engagement. Real-time notifications provide your sales team with immediate insights into when key accounts interact with your content. This allows your team to respond quickly, engaging prospects at the optimal moment when they are most interested.

With the latest engagement data in hand, your sales team can craft outreach messages that are not only personalized but also highly relevant to the prospect’s specific needs. This approach increases the likelihood of conversion and ensures that your outreach efforts are both timely and impactful.

Step 4: The Continuous Engagement Loop (or Rinse and Repeat)

This isn't a one-and-done deal. Keep that engagement loop spinning:

  • Identify and segment engaged accounts
  • Create and deliver personalized touchpoints at every buying stage
  • Capture insights and activate sales engagement
  • Analyze what's working
  • Refine your approach
  • Hit 'em with fresh, relevant content
  • Moving deals faster to close won

The process of identifying, engaging, and capturing data is not a one-time activity—it’s an ongoing cycle. The continuous engagement loop allows you to constantly refine and adapt your ABM strategy based on the latest data and insights. As you capture more engagement data, you can continuously refine your segments and personalization strategies. This iterative process ensures that your outreach remains dynamic, effective, and aligned with the evolving needs of your target accounts.

The Payoff

Stick with this playbook, and you'll see:

  • A pipeline filled with accounts that are actually worth your time
  • Engagement rates that'll make your boss do a double-take
  • Demo requests rolling in like it's Black Friday
  • Deals moving faster than a caffeinated cheetah

The Game Plan

Here's your game plan:

  1. Get your CRM data in check (garbage in, garbage out, people)
  2. Set up Userled and watch the magic happen
  3. Segment those accounts like a boss
  4. Create content that'll make your prospects swoon
  5. Engage, track, and adapt like your pipeline depends on it (because it does)

Keep an eye on those metrics – more quality prospects, higher engagement, faster deal velocity. That's how you'll know you're crushing it.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to turn your ABM strategy up to 11. And hey, if you want to see Userled in action and really blow your mind, hit us up for a demo.

Let's make some pipeline magic together!

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